Friday, January 22, 2010

Back to Basics

For a couple of years now, I've been using baking soda and vinegar as my main cleaning 'agents' instead of buying chemically loaded products from the supermarket. It's been working great, except for the fact that Jason doesn't like the vinegar smell. I've been searching over time for other 'natural' recipes particularly where my sensitively skinned husband is concerned... and low and behold, after chatting with my neighbour on the subject, it turns out she makes her own laundry powder...
so for all those interested (which isn't many 'cos I think only my sister follows this blog)...
shave 1 bar of sunlight soap (or pure soap)
boil for 4 minutes with 4 cups of water
when boiled mix in 1 cup of washing soda crystals until dissolved
in a 20L bucket (with lid) put in 11 Litres of warm water
pour in the soap mix and mix together. Don't put the soap mix in while you are filling up the bucket or you'll end up with bubbles everywhere.

To Use: put 1 cup into your wash.

My neighbour goes through this in about 2-3 weeks, but they have four girls ranging from 6-16.

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