Friday, October 21, 2011

Johnson Family

This week for school holidays the Edmonds household had some visitors camping. They are the Johnson family, Karrina, Cindy and June (in generation order). Dad, Cary was unable to join them time around.

We had an absolute blast with them here. Karrina entertained my three rugrats so superbly, that despite Jason being home he actually got to 'rest' the foot that he had injured.

It also meant that we had an opportunity to get to know Cindy better. She is our local dance teacher. Liz and Tania have been taking her class for at about 2 years.

Immigrating (from America) is difficult at the best of times - so... you guessed it, we've asked them to join Mummies in Gummies :)

They are a fabulous addition to our little community and we look forward to many happy harvests with them... and of course dancing around the garden :)

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