When I was about 7, I had a male teacher. His name was Mr Marsh and he was easily in his 50s, a big guy, partly deaf and as a result had a booming voice.
I was quite a shy kid... and I found out years later, that at parent teacher interviews, he had told my mum that he thought I was afraid of him (on account of me being so quiet).
I have to say I do not remember feeling afraid of him, I certainly had no reason to be... I was just generally a quiet kid (what happened says my mother). I do remember thinking he was a rather big, powerful bloke though... I think I was more in awe of him actually.
Well, during the school year with him, we shared a moment. Perhaps he planned it, given his concern about me. I had to hand in my work for marking and as I approached, he was simply looking at a miner bird that was perched outside the window. Realising that I was there, he quietly said, "Look at this bird Elizabeth (as I was then known), isnt' it peaceful. Such beauty and simplicity.' We both just stared at it for a little while.
I am now 35 years old and this small moment has been remembered and treasured. In my early 20s, it taught me that big booming powerful people, can also have a gentle side. But more importantly now it is my constant reminder to take a step back, take moments, to enjoy the simple things.
Now that I have my own children, I make sure we take moments to enjoy simple things, such as a fantail flying through the house, gently planting seeds, the smiles on their faces and giggles (oh the giggles), the sun shining, the rain falling... can there be anything better, I think not. At times when you are feeling down, taking time like this can really lift the spirits.
So thank you Mr Marsh, you taught me some valuable lessons, that will last me a lifetime and it only took you a few seconds of your time...