... until recently I was a stay at home mum, discovering all sorts of wonderful things about my children's development. Then my husband over night got sick and we almost lost him... but it got me thinking, how would I support the family if anything had happened. Once I started thinking about that I also started to miss my 'working' life. Not enough to discard being a full time mum, 'cos that's frankly more important to me than being a career woman again, but enough to want to do 'SOMETHING'. A friend of mine and her cousin were in similar boats for different reasons and together we are forming a company called Stretched.co.nz, an online contracting business covering services for Administration, Marketing, Technology, Operations and more. So quite excited about setting that up, especially now I have 'a little' more time on my hands with one child at school and another in daycare.
I am probably a little bit busier than most stay at home mums too as we live on a lifestyle block (2.5 acres), with pigs, chicken, sheep a vege patch and orchard. So plenty to do around the 'block'.
I also have a philosophy of making as much as I can... ie yoghurt, bottling tomatoes, baking biscuits, growing our own vege (although been on the backburner with Jason being sick and all), not to mention egg production :). I even make my own hot chocolate powder.
Recently with my son's 5th birthday I discovered a bit of a talent for cake decorating, which I have been finding opportunities to try more and discovering all sorts of creativity I didn't think was there.
There is of course plenty more to our little life here, but right now I'd better go pick up my son - yep I'm already late from writing this up. ;)